Duplicate vs single check
Duplicate vs single check

If you try to manually create a contact with the same email address as an existing contact, HubSpot will alert you that a contact already exists, and you will not be able to add the additional contact.When a new contact is added, HubSpot will look for a matching value in the Email property. All non-HubSpot form submissions from the same browser and device will be associated with a single contact. If a form is submitted via a non-HubSpot form, it is not possible to de-duplicate by usertoken or email.In this case, the existing contact's email address will not be overwritten by the new email address. If a form is submitted via a meetings link, a unique email address will always create a new contact, regardless of if an existing contact has a matching user token.If you want each form submission from the same browser to create a new contact, you can enable the Always create new contact for new email setting in your form options. If the contact submits the form using one of their secondary emails in HubSpot, the secondary email will replace the primary email following the submission.If the email address from the second submission doesn't already exist as a contact in HubSpot, the email address will overwrite the existing email address for the contact.The information from the second form submission will overwrite the information from the first submission because they have the same cookie stored in their browser.If two form submissions come from the same browser and computer, the submissions will be merged into one record because HubSpot will detect the same user token for both submissions. If you've turned on GDPR functionality in your account, a user must accept your privacy policy banner in order for this cookie to be associated with their contact record.

duplicate vs single check

When a new contact is added to HubSpot through a form submission, HubSpot checks a contact's user token (i.e., hubspotutk cookie) to see if it matches an existing contact.

  • Deduplicate contacts, companies, deals, tickets, or products by object ID.
  • Deduplicate companies by company domain name.
  • HubSpot deduplicates objects that are created in the CRM (e.g., imports, forms submissions) in the following ways:

    Duplicate vs single check professional#

    Users in a Professional or Enterprise account can also manually manage possible duplicates by using the duplicate management tool. You can include Object IDs in your import file to deduplicate records via an import. Object IDs can also be used to deduplicate contacts, companies, deals, tickets, products, and custom objects.

    duplicate vs single check

    HubSpot automatically deduplicates contacts using email addresses, and companies using domain names.

    Duplicate vs single check